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Celestant-Prime Hammer of Sigmar

Производитель: Games Workshop
Модель: 8167
Наличие: Предзаказ
5 035 р. 4 530 р.
  Количество:  Купить
Метки: age of sigmar warhammer wh миниатюра

Celestant-Prime Hammer of Sigmar

The wrath of the God-King. The Avenging Angel of Azyr. The Bearer of the World-Hammer. The First Scion of Sigmar - this is the Celestant-Prime. A great king and guardian of men even in mortal life, he has been strengthened by a prodigious infusion of Sigmar’s divine might; but even this power was not enough. Now wielding the Skull Splitter, the Great Shatterer Ghal Maraz, the Celestant-Prime’s fury roars across the battlefields of the realms as an overwhelming clarion call. The thunderous impact of Ghal Maraz can slay a daemon with one blow, setting the spirit within free to make its way to Azyr. 

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